Passenger shelters: protecting users

To keep pollution to a minimum, everything possible must be done to encourage people to use public transport. The passenger shelter, or bus shelter, is an essential piece of urban furniture providing shelter for users in bad weather (rain, wind and snow). Placed next to bus stops post or plans showing the road network, passenger shelters help to make everyday travel a more pleasant experience.

To make this awareness-raising effort as easy as possible for towns and cities, Francioli, a benchmark provider of outdoor amenities and street furniture, offers concrete passenger shelters that are not only contemporary in design, but also hard-wearing, durable, economical and maintenance-free.

Several models of passenger shelters are presented on our website: glazed (bus side), polished Granito, imitation wood, small model shelter, with or without base slab, with bench on legs or with an overhanging roof. 

We use our expertise in landscaping and our know-how to offer hard-wearing concrete travel shelters with modern aesthetics. Our shelters have a coat of anti-graffiti varnish to prevent deterioration and reduce maintenance costs.

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