Bin shelters are an ideal solution for waste collection processes.

15 nov 2021

Bin shelters are an essential aspect of street furniture. Both aesthetically pleasing and practical, these units conceal the bins under a single roof and simplify the waste disposal process.

Waste management : new challenges and new behaviours

Recycling rubbish at the source is another step towards the circular economy and is strongly encouraged by public authorities. Sorting is the start point of the virtuous recycling cycle which includes :

  • preserving natural resources by manufacturing products from recycled materials which require less water and energy than processes using materials
  • protecting the environment by reducing the use of polluting processes such as incineration and landfill
  • controlling costs, since recyclable packaging costs less if it is correctly sorted
  • creating jobs at every step of the recycling chain

According to a survey by the Observatoire du Tri des Emballage en France, carried out in 2018 by Ipsos for Citeo, 88% of French people recycle light packaging materials and 81% recycle their glass. This relatively stable figure conceals a clear increase in the number of people stating that they always recycle their waste.

To support this dynamic, it is essential to provide suitable storage facilities. Most local authorities handling household waste collection provide instructions which must be followed by the town’s residents. Recycling procedures are still likely to vary at local level, but should be harmonized across the country by 2025.

Businesses also have to follow the ""5-stream"" decree for paper, glass and plastic waste, and also metals and wood. Unlike households, businesses are usually responsible for both recovery and disposal. 

When waste is generated in small quantities, companies can use the public collection services, as long as they comply with the recycling procedures set up by the local authority.

What measures can be put in place to promote recycling ?

Household recycling waste is usually collected from drop-off points, litter bins and buried container systems. Glass is collected separately, usually at voluntary drop-off points.

Bin rooms and shelters are usually installed in and around buildings, residences and business premises, and house the various bins required for the disposal of recyclable and non-recyclable household waste

These facilities must be designed in such a way that they optimize the sorting and recycling process. They must be large enough to store all required bins and allow suitable access for both the residents and the rubbish collection operators.

The design of the drop-off and collection point must take into account the number of people using it and the configuration of the usable surface area, as well as other logistical constraints and the current regulations

The aim is to optimize costs, but remembering that a well laid-out, easily accessible space tends to encourage good behaviour and ultimately proves cleaner and therefore easier to maintain. The choice of materials and coverings for bin shelters should not be based solely on the initial outlay as a well-designed facility is less costly to operate. 

Choosing a waste collection shelter

Recycling shelters can be single or double-width and the same height as a bin or high enough to walk around in, they come in a variety of sizes and a wide range of materials and designs.


Bin shelters with waste hatches

These space-saving modular shelters are designed to house rubbish bins in a harmonious, watertight enclosure

Rubbish is deposited through the hatches and the various bins can be accessed through the doors at the front and back of the shelter. These shelters can be secured with a key lock and come in a variety of finishes to help them blend in with the local surroundings.  

Enclosed bin kiosks

Larger in size, container kiosks are used to house bins used to collect waste on large multi-family housing estates. These island-style shelters can have an overhanging roof to protect the users from the elements when they are using the bin access hatches. These enclosed systems have a large storage capacity and must also provide the correct level of ventilation.

Open-air bin parks

These open-air facilities are also designed to handle the rubbish of a large number of residents. The roof protects both the bins and the access perimeter for added convenience. The walls can be fitted with extra doors or a perimeter screen without obstructing the natural ventilation.

Francioli, a company specializing in the manufacture of public amenities, offers bin shelters in each of these categories to assist with the pre-collection of waste. They have all been selected for their durability and modularity and are sure to meet the expectations of both the users and local authorities.

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