Francioli replaces Le Cannet's toilet facilities.

05 déc 2022

Francioli was asked to replace Le Cannet's toilet facilities to handle the huge influx of people to the Côte d'Azur and to optimize user comfort. Installed in 2020, the three new public toilet cabins integrate perfectly into the urban space thanks to their modern and elegant design.

“The public had high expectations for these toilets. It was especially important to guarantee access for persons with reduced mobility, which was not the case until now”, explains Francioli sales representative, Jean-Pierre de Castro.


Automated washing for enhanced cleanliness


The French company Francioli designed and built these cabins at its plant in Chaleins.

""Our toilets are practical and robust and are perceived as being a sustainable investment”, explains Jean-Pierre de Castro. 

What is more, the public toilet cubicles are connected to a remote maintenance system, guaranteeing users a high quality of service.

""Our automated disinfection solution kills microbes, prevents degradation and helps to maintain maximum standards of cleanliness”, explains Francioli’s Sales Manager, Jean-Pierre de Castro.

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