LafargeHolcim on its partnership with Citygie

28 nov 2022

LafargeHolcim is a leading French producer of building materials and one of Citygie's key partners. LafargeHolcim employs 4,500 people at over 400 industrial sites in France, including 20 dedicated exclusively to cement.

The construction sector is in a state of flux: low-carbon concrete, modular construction... New issues are emerging driven by government desires to take action to de-carbonize the economy. Cement is one of the sectors which is undergoing a transformation, given to the environmental impact of the manufacturing processes involved. LafargeHolcim and Citygie are working in partnership to develop more environmentally-friendly concretes to help build a more sustainable future.

""In our business, we need players like Citygie as they have a genuine determination to defend and reinvent concrete. Their dynamic innovation and forward-looking approach are driving the modernization of our business”, explains Cyril Gauthier, Industry Manager at Lafarge Distribution.

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