What functions should street furniture fulfil?


Street furniture is highly important as it performs a number of functions in public spaces. Street furniture must improve convenience for users. For example, urban benches are highly appreciated by users when they want to sit down to wait, relax or enjoy the environment (especially in parks). Passenger shelters enable users of public transport to wait for their connections out of the rain and wind.

Street furniture should be a real asset for a community. Custom-designed, modern, original or discreet... there are a range of possibilities when it comes to choosing street furniture. It is now fairly easy to find a style of furniture that is suited to both traditional streets and the modern urban parks found in new districts.

Street furniture must also help to keep public spaces clean. Litter bins, containers and ashtrays are essential items in any community.

Street furniture must also be sturdy enough to withstand vandalism. This means that it must be strong. Concrete is a material renowned for its durability and resistance to vandalism and weather conditions (rain, wind, UV rays...). 

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