How is impeccable hygiene guaranteed?


Hygiene equipment in public toilets

Hygiene is a key issue affecting public toilets, for which specific equipment is absolutely required. Francioli, a French manufacturer of automatic toilets, has developed a range of high-tech devices and accessories that meet the most stringent hygiene standards for toilet blocks. From the floor to the toilet bowl, including the air, every element in a public toilet must be extremely clean.


Automated bowl washing systems

To ensure impeccable hygiene in its various types of public toilet blocks, Francioli equips each cubicle with self-cleaning toilet bowls. The toilet flushes automatically after each use, while an automatic disinfection and drying system ensures that the seat remains in a good state of hygiene.


Self-cleaning toilets, the cutting edge of technology

Francioli has chosen to equip its self-cleaning toilets with cutting-edge technological innovations to provide users with maximum hygiene in all circumstances. In addition to flushing and seat disinfection systems, Francioli's public toilet cubicles feature automated floor-washing systems which activate after each use. What is more, the toilet blocks are equipped with high-performance mechanical ventilation and air purification systems to keep the air as clean as possible. 


Perfectly hygienic toilet blocks

Francioli offers a comprehensive range of equipment which ensures its entire range of public toilets remain hygienic, no matter how often they are used. Each user is guaranteed a clean cubicle, and automating the cleaning and disinfection process reduces costs for the community. 

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